The author in his mother’s arms, alongside English grandmother, elder brother Tony (in front of mother) with cousin Rod next to him.
(Chapter 1)
Alice – the author’s Belgian grandmother.
(Chapter 1)
The wedding of John’s parents.
(Chapter 1)
From the Daily Mirror, 25th September 1953: John, aged 4, pictured at the Kensington Championship Dog Show at Olympia with his dachshund, somewhat overawed by the St Bernard…
…and a report the same day in the Daily Herald.
(Chapter 1)
John aged 13 with younger brother Paul, a miniature Dachshund puppy, Tweetie the Pomeranian, and a Chihuahua belonging to an aunt.
(Chapter 3)
A press cutting showing a children’s party run by the LAAS (London Auxiliary Ambulance Service) at Knights Hill Depot in 1942, with Auntie Joan (front left) and mum next to her. The evacuation of children began in 1941 but there were still plenty at the party.
(Chapter 4)
The author’s son Jake, with Apollo.
(Chapter 23)
“No paediatrician, I will get a vet” – at the birth of John’s daughter.
(Chapter 20)
John and Sandra’s children Rhianna and Jake with a friendly snake.
(Chapter 20)
John enjoying his 70th birthday with family in New York’s Central Park.
Sandra tending to the sheep … and taking exercise with Bazil in the basket.
Winny – our first chocolate Labrador.